start rant---- (this won't take long, trust me!) Since I took over as the coordinator of the Spring Sprint here in Winnipeg....I have had many people say they would like to help out with the event. GREAT, I thought....but when I followed up on all the offers many, damn near all who said they would help suddenly have "things" they have to do! I can understand that people have things come up and some just don't want to spend 2- 3 hours doing charity work...I get that. BUT, don't jump up and say you'll help out with something then later when the rubber hits the road, back out without so much of an explanation other than...."I hope you understand"! I understand, if you don't want to spend 2 - 3 hours helping someone out, DON'T SAY THAT YOU WILL!!!! It's easier on everyone if you are truthful from the start. ----end rant.
On a happier note....
I think I will share with the world my energy mixture that I've been working on. I had been having trouble digesting and holding fluids in my stomach during long runs and rides. I decided to get away from using the old standbys of Gatorade and GU gels. I stumbled upon a new health food/supplement store here in the South end by the of Keebo Sports Supplements. I struck up a conversation with the owner. He was very helpful and really knew his stuff! I was very impressed with that because more often than not you speak to people in these places and they are seriously clueless! I explained to him what I did for training and what I was looking for. He suggested right away a mixture of Waxy Maize and Xtend. Waxy Maize is a complex carbohydrate derived from corn starch. It is easily digestible and creates a long energy burn. It is touted as having the ability to "by pass" the stomach and go right into your blood....although if you do any amount of research on it you will find these claims to be over blown! What it does do is absorb at about the same rate as dextrose or maltose but it will stay with you longer. Essentially you will not feel any sugar crashes after you use it. The U.S. military has done numerous studies regarding the benefits of waxy maize and nutrition in their soldiers. University studies also indicate that waxy maize is a good choice for endurance athletes. The Xtend is a recovery mix that is comprised of a 2:1:1 ratio of Branched Chain Amino Acids (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine), Glutamine, Citrulline Malate, and Vitamin B6. The theory is that while exerting yourself the body breaks down muscle tissue. The body will then produce these 3 branched chain AA's so logically if you ingest these AA's while you are in the process of or immediately after your work out the body will recover more efficiently. Essentially this is jargon for "it helps to repair muscles!" It helps you train hard(er) and it helps speed your natural recovery process. Cutting edge stuff!
I have to admit the texture of this cocktail is not what you would call normal! It tastes good but the texture is startchy!! It makes your water rather silky and it you let it sit for any amount of time it will settle on the bottom. (this isn't an issue because it gets bumped around on the fuel belt and bike allot.) I don't know that this mix would work for everyone (my wife says EEEWWW, that stuff is gross!) But, once you feel the energy it gives you on extended runs/rides it's hard to argue with it. I also like the fact that it's sugar free!
Well, that's one of my training secrets.
Thanks for stopping by.
Rationalizing the Irrational!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
It's been a while!
I has been very busy around chudville these days! Let's see....I'm training for the Manitoba Marathon (end of June), triathlon season officially started for me today (Thief River Falls sprint tri) and the Brain Tumour Foundation run is rapidly approaching.
Marathon training has not been going all that great. The past 2 long runs I've done were very hard, my legs were heavy and I had very little energy....not to mention some gastrointestinal distress! I need to put in a couple of solid runs in the mid 30k range to build my confidence level up. Short runs have been easy (when I do them!) I usually use my bike commuting as my short's kid of a cross training thing. I think that because I am still a larger guy (relatively speaking) my knees and hips appreciate the rest from running too much. I still get the cardio and leg strength benefits.
Thief River Falls triathlon was awesome this year! I ran it in 1:19:59 (swim was a sad was only a 457 meter swim, most sprints are 750 meters. Bike was unreal 20k in 39:35...that was an average speed of 30.32km/h!! and my 5k run was respectable at 26:46...a little slow due to a shoe lace coming undone and a "crampy" left calf to start the run....I could have pushed harder for sure.) All said and done I think I did quite well considering I drove down the morning of (had to wake up at 4:30 - YAWN!) I also met a fellow down there just before the race started who I went to school with. I don't remember him at all, but he knew me! He graduated in '88 I was in '89....guess I'm famous....or maybe infamous! Had a nice chat non the less. It turns out that his wife and kids do a ton of triathlons. He said he was mainly a spectator and chauffeur but from time to time he'll jump into one.
As for the Brain Tumour Foundation run/walk....I really am disappointed with the lack of progress we've made as a committee. It seems we have some people who want it to be a fun family event and are happy getting 200 people out. Then there are some who want to grow the event and chase corporate sponsorship to make it bigger every year. As for me I see the merit in both ways of thinking...I just don't know which way I'm more inclined! There are sooooo many charities all fighting for the small amount of money that is out there. Part of me kind of feels like it would be nice to keep it a small event that is simple, family oriented and fun....but then the ambitious side of me wants to raise tons of money. To be honest, simple does not raise much money!
On a more "personal" note....I think I am a couple steps closer in deciding my next career path! It's time to learn something new. More on that next time!
That's it from chudville for now, over and out!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Brain Tumours Suck....if you let them!
Holy crap....this video sure made me think how lucky I am!
Kind of scary!
Kind of scary!
My little guy!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
2010 Winnipeg Police Half Marathon Race Report
I ran an unofficial time of 1:52:30....this betters my previous personal best by about 9 minutes!
Pre-race routine:
Woke up at 5:30 am. Had one cup of coffee, 2 pieces of toast with butter and a hand full of pecans. Drank a water bottle.
Event warm up:
Rode my bike 20k to Assiniboine Park. (race site)

My plan was to start off at a fast pace and see how long I could hold it. I felt the worst thing is that could happen is I'd have to slow down a little on the second 10k. Turns out I held my pace very well! I kept my breathing consistent and controlled through my nose for the first 10k. I drank a little water at each aid station and had 3 GU chunks during the first half of the marathon. At the turn I slowed a little from about 5:00/km to about 5:15/km...this was not voluntary! The second part of the course seems to have more up hill portions. I ran a VERY strong race. I took no walk breaks....this was a first for me. Usually in a half I will walk once or twice
What would you do differently?:
Not much....other than maybe try to hold my pace a little better on the small hills we faced on the back side of the course. I think I would likely use my arm warmers next time. I wore a L/S underarmour shirt under my tech shirt....this might have been a little hot. It would help if I kept losing weight and work on hills more!
Post race
Warm down:
Walked around and met up with my wife and son....they surprised me and showed up to see me finish! I didn't know they were coming!! Grabbed a Gatorade and water and we walked around in the rain.
Event comments:
I was really proud of this effort. I kept my mind out of the race...I just ran until I ran under the finishers banner!
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