Rationalizing the Irrational!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Almost There!

I can certainly see the light at the end of the tunnel! 

My last 2 essays were handed in this past week. I have my English final exam on Thursday and my Histroy final exam next week (Monday, Aug 8). I will have all of August off. We'll be able to actually do fun stuff...not that writing essays is not fun...but given a choice, I'd rather be golfing! On a bright note I now know what "verisimilitude" means!

What's next...my left calf is cooperating nicely so I will resume my 1/2 marathon training program. Tons of golf with Carter and Jackie. We have the first 2 weeks of August out at Sioux Narrows...unfortunately I will be back and forth from Winnipeg due to my last 2 lectures and exams. We plan on a lot of kayaking, beach sitting, golfing, bike riding and BBQ'ing. There may even be some adult beverages involved! 

P90X has kind of been the odd man out in all this. Jackie and I have been finding it difficult fitting in the workouts. Life can be busy, even when you think you shouldn't be too busy. I think that instead of working out 6 days a week it will most likely morph into a workout as much as we can fit in kind of program. It's not that we have a lack of commitment...it's just flat out hard to logistically fit the workouts in. (I guess instead of blogging I could...)

Luckily, I do not feel like the dude who is sitting down in the cartoon! 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Golf Weekend

With both Jackie and Haley away for the weekend, the boys went golf crazy!

Friday Carter and I played Harbour View in the AM, then The Meadows in the PM. Saturday we played Steinbach Fly-In Course (27 holes!) Then on Sunday I played Granite Hills while Carter visited with Nana and Grampa Chudley.

The weather was hot and sticky, the golf was actually very good. My ball striking off the tee is out standing...it's the best it's ever been. My iron play is solid...not perfect but solid. Where I am struggling is around the greens. If I miss a green I am having trouble getting the ball up and down. My chipping is not very sharp. I end up having 5-6 footers for pars. While I do manage to make many of them, missing them means a bogey! The focus of my practice will be on the short game the next while. When you don't play/practice much this is the one area of your game that suffers. I am very confident that I will get the feel for the short shots perfected again, it will just take some work.

This week I have to finish a history paper (due Friday). Other than that, Carter and I will be out at the course (probably everyday!) working on our chipping and putting. We may do the beach one day. Next weekend we are camping at Falcon with some friends, should be fun!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tired...so tired!

Week one of P90X is in the bag! I feel a little stronger up top...which is encouraging. I'm working on getting rid of my neck! (hahaha) Jackie and I have been trying to get up at 5am to do our workouts but It seems we hit snooze until 5:30 then sit on the deck drinking coffee until 6:30! What can you do...quality time! I've been getting my workouts in usually in the afternoon and Jackie is tearing it out in the evenings. (yeah us!)

The KONA is in the bike shop getting some much needed TLC...new chain, new rear cogs cluster, new bar tape and BRAKES! So I am stuck commuting to university on the old TREK mountain bike...I just need a turret and I could be a tank. On the positive side, it's a good leg workout.

Running has been strong. Haley and I went 10km on Sunday and I managed to tweak my left calf when Haley decided to swerve hard left to see some golden retrievers. I should have seen it coming...my fault! It was at about the 9.5km point and I was just cruising nicely not really paying as much attention as I should. You see running with a dog is much more interactive than just hitting the road and turning your mind off (which I can do very well!) It seems you must spot things like fences, poles, bunnies and other dogs before your partner does! I let my guard down and bang...sore calf. We are going to start slowly upping our weekly mileage over the next couple of weeks so in anticipation I went out and bought Haley a backpack! She will have to hydrate along the way, now she can carry her own water and fold-able dish, not to mention poop bags! I have to post some pics of her in it...she looks pretty tough!
Saw "Transformers - Dark of the Moon" (3D) today with Carter, it was....OK. Not as good as the original. Very violent...and very 3D.

I should be getting an English paper and test back tonight. Fingers are crossed!

That's it for now,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Carters crazy train

Yesterday I watched a video called barnwars. It was funny, take a look at the link. I went to Fun Mountain for my birthday party. we went on water slides, ate hot dogs, and ate cupcakes!


The maiden post of an 9 year old! Thanks for that Carter! The link he's included is actually kind of funny. 

Well, week one of P90X is just about over....my hamstrings are killing me (kind of feels like after my first full marathon!) We did about 300 lunges the other day. The nutrition plan is going very nicely. I have noticed a little decrease in NRG due to the reduction of carbs (this is a very short term reduction...only 3 weeks or so.) The program puts your body into a ketosis state. Again this is only for a short time. I don't think I would like to live like this long term (eating 60% protein, 20% carbs and 20% fat). I have noticed my reliance on coffee in the AM has diminished as well...not sure why!

Today is a massage day! YIPPEE!!

That's it for now,

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Jackie and I started the P90X system this past Friday. For those of you that do not know what the P90X system is check this LINK out. This system has been around for a few years now and people genuinely have spectacular results. There is nothing crazy about the system...just a lot of hard work (6x a week) and a very sensible nutrition plan. We have been eating very health for the past 5years so this part is not a stretch for us. What will be difficult is the workouts! 

Here is what we face over the next 3 weeks:

Weeks 1, 2, and 3

Day 1 – Chest and Back, plus Ab Ripper X

Day 2 – Plyometrics

Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X

Day 4 – Yoga X

Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X

Day 6 – Kenpo X

Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

The workouts revolve around about a million push ups per session, pull ups, free weight work, squats of various variety and a lot of high heart rate movement.

Plyometrics...is essentially "jump training". You load and unload the muscles you're working in a very "quick" manner.  

Ab ripper X is a 20 minute ab workout that will make you cry like a baby!

Kenpo X is based on kick boxing, karate and a crazy amount of CARDIO!

Updates will come much faster now that the school year is over and all I have to focus on is parenting, domestic stuff (I'm trained well!) and working out...oh ya and university until the end of July! Keep an eye open for my before pictures which may appear soon. (uggg!)

See you next time!