Rationalizing the Irrational!

Friday, April 30, 2010


I've been mucho busy around here in chudville. Nothing to exciting just lots of running and cycling....sadly though I haven't made my seasonal commitment to the pool yet. I must think about that one. I weighed in this week at:


That is by far the lightest I've been in about 18 months. I need to keep building upon that. What is different the past couple of weeks....EASY, my run volume has dramatically increased. I have added a couple of foot commutes to work in addition to the bike commute and my eating is as healthy as ever.

It's the end of the PUMA road race series around here (5k, 10k & 15k on consecutive weekends) I hit personal bests in the 5k (25:15 - 5:03/km pace) and the 10k (54:28 - 5:19/km pace) and I blew my own mind in the 15k running it in 1:19:53....that's a 5:14/km pace!!!! I had been doing boot camps hard core (as many of you know!) during January and February and I really think that the core strength and leg strength I've built up from that has really improved my running. Not to mention losing more weight! It's really is fun to see such drastic results in such a short period of time. Must keep the core work up.

I spoke with my neighbor about this new found speed and we both agree it comes down to being physically stronger but more so it the fact that I'm mentally able to accept it. I'm not panicking when my Garmin tells me that I'm going at a fast pace. It's about controlling your thoughts and your breathing and just running without fear. The worst that can happen is your body tells you to slow down....until then put the hammer down and do not think!

The Winnipeg Police 1/2 marathon is this weekend. I'm confident that I will run sub 2 hours. I will post up a race report Sunday evening. I'm pumped for this one.

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