The boot camps are sure taking their toll on my body. I feel very run down and I have been short on patience. Not good! I am going to drop down to just 4 boot camps per week.
I had a buddy the other day ask me if I'm going to golf at all this year....all I could muster was a shoulder shrug. Not sure why....it's funny when you lose passion for something. I have been working hard at trying to find my passion again. I need to figure out what direction I need to take this life of mine.
I attended a play the other day that really affected me. It was the story of a young man who after becoming a paraplegic went on to become a national Canadian hero (Rick Hansen). When I was 20yrs old I had a very serious accident, I broke my back jumping off a cliff into very shallow water. The details are not important other than it was a very, very stupid decision I made. It was a split moment in time that could have put me in a wheel chair for life....I was extremely lucky. It has really hit me lately that I have been given a few "second chances" in life and what have I done with them?
We had an Olympic torch bearer in our school the other day. He passed the torch around to all the kids and asked them what their dream goal was. After all the kids passed the torch they wanted the teachers to have a turn. When it arrived in my hand I was stunned....I didn't have a dream goal anymore. I wanted to be a golf pro....done. I wanted to run a marathon....done. I wanted to become a triathlete.....done. I want to complete an Ironman....in the process of doing that. But what is next? I really need to figure that out, soon. I wish there was a book showing you how to "re-brand" yourself!
I suppose we all aspire to greatness. That's a concept that torments me. Is it enough to be a great husband and father? Is it enough to help motivate people to greater heights? Does the size of your pay stub determine how important a person you are? All these questions....where's YODA when you need him!
Well that was my week....very introspective.