Scott Chudley – My Story
One day in September of 2005 I weighed myself and I was absolutely mortified at what the scale said...296lbs!! I knew I was up there because I had to wear XXL shirts, the only pants that fit were size 42’s. I was working long hours over the summer as a golf professional and sat around in the winter. My eating habits were not very good, if I wanted something I had it...regardless of what it was. Our son was 3 ½ years old at the time. One day as I picked him up from daycare he asked me why I was fat. What a hit of reality, something needed to change.
This is pretty much what I looked like in 2005 at my heaviest! (Just about 300lbs!)
We have a neighbour who is a runner...I secretly envied him and his dedication. I decided to join a learn to run clinic at my local Running Room (Pembina). 10 weeks later I was a runner...sort of! I had met some nice people through the clinic and one fellow asked me if I’d like to join him as a 2 person relay team in the 2005 Winnipeg Police Service ½ Marathon. I said sure and I immediately signed up for a 10k clinic. I dropped out of it about mid way through. I was having trouble getting my butt off the couch to do my training runs (it was winter after all, nobody runs in winter, RIGHT?). I gave up on the clinic, I gave up on the race, I hung my partner out to dry and I gave up on myself. I felt ashamed of myself. (He ended up finding a new partner and doing the race)
One year later (2006) while at a Christmas dinner my sister in law (who had recently taken up running herself) challenged me to run a half marathon with her (ironically, it would be the Winnipeg Police Service ½ Marathon!) full of turkey and red wine, I said: “sure, no problem”! I had 4 months to get ready, my wife reminded me daily that I had made a promise to run with her sister and that I had better not back out...like before.....Oh crap, I had no choice!
I decided that I could do the race...I trained my butt off using what I had learned through my learn to run clinic. I persevered through snow storms, ice storms, minus 40 degree temperatures and I ran the ½ marathon in April. I ran it in 2:22:02. I was now a runner and I was hooked. Aside from our son being born and our wedding day, this was probably the proudest I’ve ever been of myself.
I had always watched the Ironman World Championships (KONA!) on TV and would get very moved by it. I loved watching the pros, but more so I marvelled at the determination that the amateurs displayed. The dedication and passion to cross a finish line is something that at the time seemed totally beyond any explanation. I wanted to become a triathlete...just one problem, I don’t swim very well. (A problem I have now come to know that many aspiring triathlete’s have!) I investigated my local triathlon association website and found a thing called a duathlon...no swimming, cool! I signed up for every single one I could that summer. I borrowed a buddy’s old Cannondale road bike and I ended up doing 7 duathlons. I decided to do another ½ marathon bettering my first ½ mary time by a full 10 minutes! I began to cycle commute to work every day (36km round trip)...I found it easy to get my bike training in this way. Two birds with one stone, not bad! Not long after that I had bought a mountain bike to commute on and a triathlon bike of my own.
My life was changing, I had way more energy and my weight was down to 225lbs for the first time in...well, truthfully I have no clue the last time I was in the 220’s! My body shape had drastically changed; I could even see my toes! My knees and body no longer ached in the morning like it used to, or at least when I was sore I attributed it to my training now! I was looking at making a career change and I began working part time at the Running Room that originally had empowered me to begin this physical fitness journey. I found the energy to return to school and did exceptionally well in my course (4.25 GPA).
It was now the fall of 2007, the next goal was to learn how to swim. I signed up for an adult stroke development class at the University of Manitoba. It was enough to get me swimming properly...not perfect but not sinking! I signed up for my first official triathlon the 2008 Thief River Falls sprint triathlon. It had a pool swim; the open water terrified me at this point- far too many critters! I finished in 1:35. I did a few early season duathlons (OWS is too cold early in the season around here). I also decided to run my first full marathon and I took a leap of faith and signed up for our local ½ Ironman! Go big or go home! I even bought my own wet suit.
Up first was the Manitoba Marathon. I trained like a man possessed, only to cramp up at mile six. I had a goal time of 4:30...I limped home in 5:30. I had never been so disappointed in my entire life. Such a huge effort and accomplishment but all it gave me was sorrow...and a sore calf! I was ready to strangle the next person who said: “hey, at least you finished!” Yah, I finished I never gave up on it...the old me would have given up. I decided to focus on the ½ Ironman.
The morning of the ½ Ironman came and I was focused and ready...mentally and physically. My goal time was 7:30. However, Mother Nature decided to throw everyone a little test! The temp had dropped to the mid teens, we had winds blowing 50km/h with 70km/h gusts...it was gut check time. There were white caps on the lake...I saw a couple of buddies who pulled out during and after their swims. I saw many people pull out while on the bike course. I came to finish a race and I did not once give into the little voice that says: “you don’t need this, you don’t belong here, and this is too tough...nobody will fault you if you give up.” Thing is I don’t give up now! I finished it in 8:30. Nowhere near my goal time, but I finished in what was the worst conditions anyone has seen in this event.
I am not the fastest athlete, I am not the most talented or gifted athlete, I will not ever set any course records, I will not ever win any age group category races...what I will do is NEVER GIVE UP, EVER!
The Newer looking Scott Chudley!
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