Friday, July 16, 2010
That was awesome!
OK chudville fans...not that there are many (or for that matter....any!) I have taken a long hiatus from the blog, and I do apologize! We have been very busy around here. Let's start with the 2010 Manitoba Marathon....
I ran a personal best time of 4:31:27. It was 30 minutes faster than my time from last year. The temperature was very nice this year (unlike last year, second hottest EVER!) I felt like I had a solid race but it could have been soooo much better. Here's why: My plan was to carry a good pace for as long as I could....and only when I absolutely 100% had to would I walk then most likely walk/run from that point. At the 1/2 way point of the marathon (that would be at the 1/2 marathon distance for those of you out there who are not marathon savy! hahaha) I was at 1:56....not a bad time at all. I was doing great....all system were firing fine. My heart rate was perfect, breathing was good, fluid intake was right on cue. I made the tactical error of deciding to take a walk break going through the Wolseley area (around 28km mark I think). That proved to be the first brick in my wall. No matter what I did after that point I was unable to regain the tempo I had built up before. I went from looking at a solid 4:15 finish to a finish of 4:31. Next year i will try to stick to my game plan of running for as far as I can and not stop until I hit the finish. I guess that I can't really complain with my performance but no matter how you finish you always feel like you could have done more...pushed harder. Plus this year I rode my bike to the race and had a nice easy recovery pedal home. That felt great!
Next up....the St. Malo triathlon!
I figured I'd just do the sprint distance (750 meter swim, 20km bike, 5km run) after all it was the week after the marathon! I felt great the morning of the event until I heard it would be a NON WET SUIT SWIM!!! I have never done an open water swim without a wet suit....AHHHH!!! I decided to just chill and roll with it. I can swim 1500 meters no problem in a pool....750 meter in a lake will be a piece of cake...a very wet and cold piece of cake! (FYI: wet suits will ever so slightly increase a swimmers buoyancy...for a weak swimmer this is more of a mental advantage than actual mechanical advantage.) So into the water we was very cold. I decided to wear my tri top...big mistake, it got water logged and slowed me considerably. I finished the swim not dead or dead last, hurray! It was not my best time by far (27:50) very, very barge like! I was somewhat dizzy after the swim due to the waves...this is normal. Hit the bike and really took it easy. I didn't hammer it like in Theif River. I think I was still tired from the marathon. I finished the bike in 45:50...this is on the slow side for me for sure. I should have been about 10 minutes faster. Instead I just rode and enjoyed the scenery. I didn't go aero for much of the bike leg. Next came the run and by this point I knew I was just having a casual race so I didn't push my pace at all. I finished the 5k in 27:40....not a bad time but about 3 1/2 minutes slower than my normal 5k pace. Good race, some hero sprinted past me at the line...I think he may have pulled a muscle in doing so....hope it was really worth it to beat the chubby guy, rookie!! (for the weekend warrior the worst thing to do is sprint at the muscles are taxed to the should slowly ramp up your speed to the finish but not sprint...we aren't trained for that type of effort at the end!)
School/Work ended for the was a good year. It had it's challenges, some ups and downs nothing too extreme though. Looks like I will be back doing the same old same old next year....unless something falls my way over the break. I hate not knowing what I want to do! I would love to own my own business, that I do know. I think I'd be a great personal trainer...but there is no money in it and I don't want to burn out with the physical activity (like I did with golf!) Who knows!
Next up for the Chudley's was our trip to BC and the start of my ramp up to the Square Lake half Ironman in September....more on that next time.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Let's look at it from another angle!
It seems I've been saying the tittle of this entry a lot work, at home and to myself! I went to a "find your passion" meeting the other night. It was suppose to help me find clarity and purpose in my journey through life. Essentially what I learned, after 3 hours of struggling, was that I need to "feel good about myself". WOW....I paid how much for this! (Man, they saw me coming.) After much soul searching and time alone with my thoughts I have decided that what I really want to do in life is help people, inspire people, teach my son the importance of "doing the right things". My life is great. I have an awesome wife, a perfect son (most days!) and I have a great job that I really enjoy going to everyday. Although I don't make much money doing what I do....I get the opportunity to help people everyday, I get the opportunity to inspire people everyday. That is very important. I can't for the life of me imagine doing anything else at this point in my life. I want to learn new things. I wanted to lose weight done it (-80 lbs!) I wanted to run a marathon....done it (this year will be #3) I wanted to be a triathlete....done it (numerous times!). What do I want to learn next? Not sure. I have been thinking of learning meditation. I was thinking of getting into yoga more. I have been thinking I'd like to learn about the stars, landscaping, far off worlds, other cultures, religion, the paranormal.....I have so many interests.
At times I think there is something wrong with me. Why can't I just pick a path and stick to it? I know that I put way too much pressure on myself to figure these things out, especially the career thing. I have decided that my future career path is simply yet to be determined. I am not going to stand in it's way. I will embrace it as it unfolds before me. I am lucky in that I really do enjoy my job. My big hang up is $$...but would I feel better about myself if I made way more money? Not likely. Maybe the "passion People" were right...I need to feel good about where I'm at....once I feel good about that good things will happen. Pass the next fortune cookie please!
Friday, May 28, 2010
I hardly ever rant, but....
On a happier note....
I think I will share with the world my energy mixture that I've been working on. I had been having trouble digesting and holding fluids in my stomach during long runs and rides. I decided to get away from using the old standbys of Gatorade and GU gels. I stumbled upon a new health food/supplement store here in the South end by the of Keebo Sports Supplements. I struck up a conversation with the owner. He was very helpful and really knew his stuff! I was very impressed with that because more often than not you speak to people in these places and they are seriously clueless! I explained to him what I did for training and what I was looking for. He suggested right away a mixture of Waxy Maize and Xtend. Waxy Maize is a complex carbohydrate derived from corn starch. It is easily digestible and creates a long energy burn. It is touted as having the ability to "by pass" the stomach and go right into your blood....although if you do any amount of research on it you will find these claims to be over blown! What it does do is absorb at about the same rate as dextrose or maltose but it will stay with you longer. Essentially you will not feel any sugar crashes after you use it. The U.S. military has done numerous studies regarding the benefits of waxy maize and nutrition in their soldiers. University studies also indicate that waxy maize is a good choice for endurance athletes. The Xtend is a recovery mix that is comprised of a 2:1:1 ratio of Branched Chain Amino Acids (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine), Glutamine, Citrulline Malate, and Vitamin B6. The theory is that while exerting yourself the body breaks down muscle tissue. The body will then produce these 3 branched chain AA's so logically if you ingest these AA's while you are in the process of or immediately after your work out the body will recover more efficiently. Essentially this is jargon for "it helps to repair muscles!" It helps you train hard(er) and it helps speed your natural recovery process. Cutting edge stuff!
I have to admit the texture of this cocktail is not what you would call normal! It tastes good but the texture is startchy!! It makes your water rather silky and it you let it sit for any amount of time it will settle on the bottom. (this isn't an issue because it gets bumped around on the fuel belt and bike allot.) I don't know that this mix would work for everyone (my wife says EEEWWW, that stuff is gross!) But, once you feel the energy it gives you on extended runs/rides it's hard to argue with it. I also like the fact that it's sugar free!
Well, that's one of my training secrets.
Thanks for stopping by.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
It's been a while!
I has been very busy around chudville these days! Let's see....I'm training for the Manitoba Marathon (end of June), triathlon season officially started for me today (Thief River Falls sprint tri) and the Brain Tumour Foundation run is rapidly approaching.
Marathon training has not been going all that great. The past 2 long runs I've done were very hard, my legs were heavy and I had very little energy....not to mention some gastrointestinal distress! I need to put in a couple of solid runs in the mid 30k range to build my confidence level up. Short runs have been easy (when I do them!) I usually use my bike commuting as my short's kid of a cross training thing. I think that because I am still a larger guy (relatively speaking) my knees and hips appreciate the rest from running too much. I still get the cardio and leg strength benefits.
Thief River Falls triathlon was awesome this year! I ran it in 1:19:59 (swim was a sad was only a 457 meter swim, most sprints are 750 meters. Bike was unreal 20k in 39:35...that was an average speed of 30.32km/h!! and my 5k run was respectable at 26:46...a little slow due to a shoe lace coming undone and a "crampy" left calf to start the run....I could have pushed harder for sure.) All said and done I think I did quite well considering I drove down the morning of (had to wake up at 4:30 - YAWN!) I also met a fellow down there just before the race started who I went to school with. I don't remember him at all, but he knew me! He graduated in '88 I was in '89....guess I'm famous....or maybe infamous! Had a nice chat non the less. It turns out that his wife and kids do a ton of triathlons. He said he was mainly a spectator and chauffeur but from time to time he'll jump into one.
As for the Brain Tumour Foundation run/walk....I really am disappointed with the lack of progress we've made as a committee. It seems we have some people who want it to be a fun family event and are happy getting 200 people out. Then there are some who want to grow the event and chase corporate sponsorship to make it bigger every year. As for me I see the merit in both ways of thinking...I just don't know which way I'm more inclined! There are sooooo many charities all fighting for the small amount of money that is out there. Part of me kind of feels like it would be nice to keep it a small event that is simple, family oriented and fun....but then the ambitious side of me wants to raise tons of money. To be honest, simple does not raise much money!
On a more "personal" note....I think I am a couple steps closer in deciding my next career path! It's time to learn something new. More on that next time!
That's it from chudville for now, over and out!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Brain Tumours Suck....if you let them!
Kind of scary!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
2010 Winnipeg Police Half Marathon Race Report
Woke up at 5:30 am. Had one cup of coffee, 2 pieces of toast with butter and a hand full of pecans. Drank a water bottle.
Rode my bike 20k to Assiniboine Park. (race site)

My plan was to start off at a fast pace and see how long I could hold it. I felt the worst thing is that could happen is I'd have to slow down a little on the second 10k. Turns out I held my pace very well! I kept my breathing consistent and controlled through my nose for the first 10k. I drank a little water at each aid station and had 3 GU chunks during the first half of the marathon. At the turn I slowed a little from about 5:00/km to about 5:15/km...this was not voluntary! The second part of the course seems to have more up hill portions. I ran a VERY strong race. I took no walk breaks....this was a first for me. Usually in a half I will walk once or twice
Not much....other than maybe try to hold my pace a little better on the small hills we faced on the back side of the course. I think I would likely use my arm warmers next time. I wore a L/S underarmour shirt under my tech shirt....this might have been a little hot. It would help if I kept losing weight and work on hills more!
Walked around and met up with my wife and son....they surprised me and showed up to see me finish! I didn't know they were coming!! Grabbed a Gatorade and water and we walked around in the rain.
I was really proud of this effort. I kept my mind out of the race...I just ran until I ran under the finishers banner!
Friday, April 30, 2010
I've been mucho busy around here in chudville. Nothing to exciting just lots of running and cycling....sadly though I haven't made my seasonal commitment to the pool yet. I must think about that one. I weighed in this week at:
That is by far the lightest I've been in about 18 months. I need to keep building upon that. What is different the past couple of weeks....EASY, my run volume has dramatically increased. I have added a couple of foot commutes to work in addition to the bike commute and my eating is as healthy as ever.
It's the end of the PUMA road race series around here (5k, 10k & 15k on consecutive weekends) I hit personal bests in the 5k (25:15 - 5:03/km pace) and the 10k (54:28 - 5:19/km pace) and I blew my own mind in the 15k running it in 1:19:53....that's a 5:14/km pace!!!! I had been doing boot camps hard core (as many of you know!) during January and February and I really think that the core strength and leg strength I've built up from that has really improved my running. Not to mention losing more weight! It's really is fun to see such drastic results in such a short period of time. Must keep the core work up.
I spoke with my neighbor about this new found speed and we both agree it comes down to being physically stronger but more so it the fact that I'm mentally able to accept it. I'm not panicking when my Garmin tells me that I'm going at a fast pace. It's about controlling your thoughts and your breathing and just running without fear. The worst that can happen is your body tells you to slow down....until then put the hammer down and do not think!
The Winnipeg Police 1/2 marathon is this weekend. I'm confident that I will run sub 2 hours. I will post up a race report Sunday evening. I'm pumped for this one.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
2010 Race Schedule has been set....almost!
Well here we go again....after taking a week and a bit off from the boot camps (due to utter exhaustion!) I weighed in yesterday and I was gain no loss! (phew!)
In my break from the boot camps I have upped my run volume and have been bike commuting to work almost daily. It's time to buckle down over the next 5 weeks and focus on healthy eating, exercise and weight loss. Here is what I have in store for this spring, summer and fall:
April 11, 18, 25 - PUMA Series (5k, 10k, 15k)
This is a road race series held at Assiniboine Park. There are some fairly serious runners in this series. I want to try and personal best in each distance category. I have never run this series, I'm looking forward to the races.
May 2 - Winnipeg Police 1/2 Mary
I have done this race the past 3 years. It's a great run, usually pretty fast. The course is flat....go figure and the weather is usually cool in the morning when you start allowing you to start at a very high pace. Last year I ran it in hope this year is sub 2 hours. The previous year I ran this one a week after gall bladder surgery!
May 2,11,18,25 - Birds Hill Duathlon Series (4)
For those of you who do not know what a DUATHLON is here you go: It is an event where you RUN/BIKE/RUN....essentially it's a TRIATHLON minus the swim at the start. THis is how I started my triathlon obsession. I participated in the duathlon series a few years back (before I would swim!) and I really like the atmosphere. It was mucho intimidating my first time out with all the extremely fit people walking around....I finished DFL (Dead F***ing Last) in my first few races! Eventually I started to not finish last....close but not last! I would start beating quite a few people! Last year I was unable to participate in any of these races due to scheduling conflicts. This year will be no problem!
May 22 - Theif River Falls Triathlon
This was my first ever official triathlon! I ran it 2 years ago and did very well. It starts with a pool swim (500 yards) then a 20 km bike ride followed by a 5 km run. It is a great event. It's very well organized and the after race food is very nice! This is a perfect event for someone new to the sport, mainly because of the pool swim. Having to do an open water swim (OWS) in your first event can be nerve racking. We have a similar event here in Winnipeg with a pool swim, it's at the UofM...but it's for women fellas you're S.O.L. unless you make the trip south on Hwy 59!
June 13 - Triple Threat Sprint Tri
My first OWS triathlon....although you can stop swimming and touch the bottom almost anywhere on the still have to sight while swimming. This means that instead of watching that nice big thick black line on the bottom of the pool to tell you where to need to lift you head and look around for markers! This is very challenging until you get the hang of it. This is a perfect event to have your first open water swim, again it's easy to touch the bottom almost anywhere and the shore is always close!
June 20 - Manitoba Marathon (Full)
I was thinking about this while I was running I really want to do another full??? I have already done 2. I think that given my future goals in triathlon...I should do another full. I will be targeting the 2011 Wisconsin full another full under my belt will only raise the confidence level a few notches. I find this run long, boring and very uninspiring! There is not much out there to take your mind off how sore you are. Sure there are small areas that have a lot of people cheering but the tail end of the race once you get past all the people along St.Vital Road and St. Vital Park is REALLY lonely! Those last 4-5 km are absolute torture. Just reading this over....I think it's clear somebody needs to work on their mental stamina....more so than their physical stamina!
June 27 - St. Malo Tri (Olympic Dist.)
Never done the triathlon here....just the duathlon. (they have a duathlon for those who don't swim!) The past few years this race has fallen on our son's birthday. I have opted to miss the race....a smart decision I think!
I will be doing the Olympic Distance (Swim 1500 meters, Cycle 40km, Run 10km) This should be a good race for me. Easy open water, flat bike course and very flat run course with a small portion being on gravel paths. (gravel = less impact!)
July 18 - Lac du Bonnet Tri (Olympic Dist.)
Never done this parents live out there so I think I'll show then what this triathlon thing is all about! Triathlon is by far the worst spectator sport ever. Watch people swim see them run into the transition area, watch them strip out of a wet suit and put on a bike helmet then run out of the transition area and jump on their bikes (this all takes about 1 - 2 minutes!) Now wait for 30 - 60 minutes depending upon what distance your favorite athlete is them come back into the transition area....rack their bike, put on running shoes and take off like a bat out of hell. (again 1-2 minutes!) Then wait for 30 - 60 minutes to see them cross the finish line. I always love the little kids standing at the transition area with the signs "Love you dad!" or "You rock Mom!" Kind of makes everyone's day!
August 14 - Riding Mountain Tri (Olympic Dist.)
A definite maybe this year...lot and lots of logistical issues involved with doing this one. If I don't do it it will mean a long rest between Lac Du Bonnet and Square Lake....we'll see!
Sept 12 - Square Lake, MN 1/2 IM
Sept 27 - Niverville Rock & Roll 1/2 Mary
We'll see if I have any gas in the tank for this one! Elaine P....if you read this I want you to know that if I run the half mary out there this year you're doing it with me! (at the very least the 10k!!)
And so ends another few fun filled weeks in Chudville, See ya!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
This is your body on Bootcamps!
The boot camps are sure taking their toll on my body. I feel very run down and I have been short on patience. Not good! I am going to drop down to just 4 boot camps per week.
I had a buddy the other day ask me if I'm going to golf at all this year....all I could muster was a shoulder shrug. Not sure's funny when you lose passion for something. I have been working hard at trying to find my passion again. I need to figure out what direction I need to take this life of mine.
I attended a play the other day that really affected me. It was the story of a young man who after becoming a paraplegic went on to become a national Canadian hero (Rick Hansen). When I was 20yrs old I had a very serious accident, I broke my back jumping off a cliff into very shallow water. The details are not important other than it was a very, very stupid decision I made. It was a split moment in time that could have put me in a wheel chair for life....I was extremely lucky. It has really hit me lately that I have been given a few "second chances" in life and what have I done with them?
We had an Olympic torch bearer in our school the other day. He passed the torch around to all the kids and asked them what their dream goal was. After all the kids passed the torch they wanted the teachers to have a turn. When it arrived in my hand I was stunned....I didn't have a dream goal anymore. I wanted to be a golf pro....done. I wanted to run a marathon....done. I wanted to become a triathlete.....done. I want to complete an the process of doing that. But what is next? I really need to figure that out, soon. I wish there was a book showing you how to "re-brand" yourself!
I suppose we all aspire to greatness. That's a concept that torments me. Is it enough to be a great husband and father? Is it enough to help motivate people to greater heights? Does the size of your pay stub determine how important a person you are? All these questions....where's YODA when you need him!
Well that was my week....very introspective.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Oye, I need some protein!
Weigh in day today!
Down .5 lbs!!!
Well, OK not my best week....but I have seen a huge change in my body composition and my muscle development. I am chalking this week up to a plateau. I have done everything right from a nutritional standpoint. Given that I'm very happy with myself. On the whole everyone on our "Biggest loser" team had a marginal week. Each member was either even or down a small amount.
We had one of our harder workouts today. Many people have asked what do you do...well here's what we did today!
Warm up:
on the airdyne bikes doing 20/40 sprints (sprint hard for 20 seconds, easy for 40 seconds) for 10 minutes.
Circuit #1: (Each activity is done for 90 seconds) Run through it 4 times.
1. elbow plank
2. sprints on an elliptical
3. punching bag squats (constantly punching a heavy bag while doing squats, very hard after a while!)
4. beat up a Basa system (it's a mixed martial arts training bag that has a head, chest and hands...nice to just wail on!)
Break - 1 minute
Circuit #2: (each activity is done for 90 seconds) Run through it 4 times.
1. Mountain climbers
2. skipping rope
3. seated rows on weight machine
4. seated pushing on weight machine
Break - 1 minute
Circuit #3: Same as circuit #1 - each activity for 60 seconds
Break - 1 minute
Circuit #4: Same as circuit #2 - each activity for 60 seconds
Break 1 minute
Team "game" #1 - Laying on your back on a mat with a 35 lb plate on your chest:
"bench press" 40 times - get up,
bent row same plate 40 times - lay down on back,
"bench press" plate 40 times again - get up,
bent row same plate 40 times....DONE!
1 minute break
Team "game" #2 - Circle push up/planks....this is a killer!
1. lay in a circle so that your heads are in the middle of circle - up into a plank.
2. while everyone's in the plank position first person does one push up.
3. first person tags person to the right....he does a push up and tags the person to the right.
4. continue around the circle until the tag gets back to the first person who started...they do 2 push ups.
5. continue until you hit 10 push ups.
6. once everyone has done 10 count back down to 0
7. when you are not doing push ups you are trying to hold your plank. (FYI - it's hold a plank that long...for us anyways!!!!)
(you've just done - 100 push ups!)
1 minute break
We did circuits #1 & 2 once more for 30 seconds each activity with no breaks...just 4 minutes of hard core work.
All this while wearing a hoodie!!!
Total workout time 1hour 45 minutes.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
It's all about the caloric deficit!
Down 3.5lbs! (total: 10lbs over the last 2 weeks) Hard work and effort really pays off. I have been very conscience of proper nutrition and water intake. I have also made it my mission to drink at least 3 cups of green tea a day and one grapefruit. (more on that later!)
I have learned a TON of things that you should do and many things you should not do when it comes to feeding the animal! There are many people who will start up an exercise program and give up after a few weeks....because it's not "working"! What many people forget to address is the nutritional component of exercise.
I feel that it is imperative to create a caloric deficit in order to lose weight. It's not enough to just go to the gym, go for a run or push some must be mindful of what you put in your mouth. I remember many years ago I was on a weight loss program and found it to be very good...but it allowed you "bonus" food if you worked out. To me (knowing what I now know) this is absolutely counter productive if your goal is to become more fit. Everyone needs to know what their basil metabolic rate is and eat accordingly based upon their activity levels and their fitness goals. This is the key to fueling your body properly!
SPEAKING of properly fueling your body....this is an interesting read about grapefruit and green tea!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I wonder if the guy doing the kicking feels like puking after?
I was very active this week: Swam 3x's, Ran 3x's, Boot Camp 2x' all adds up to a total weight lose for the week of:
I am very pleased to say the least.
I have been very strict with my nutrition - I had let it slack off a little before and over Christmas. I can truly say that the eating part of my weight loss journey is the least of my worries. I am able to control what and when I eat. I have very good habits in this area. I just need to work harder at pushing myself past my mental comfort level. My first boot camp was a killer and if it were me on my own I would have given up after about 10 minutes (essentially the "warm up"!) I think that the boys over at the Brick House Gym can see that I can dig deeper and are up to the challenge of pushing me beyond my perceived limits.
I will be trying hard this week to ignore the pain and push as hard as I can when at the gym. I will strive to feed the animal with the best possible food. I will keep my mantra in mind: "I don't give up, ever!"
One last thought: "Grapefruit, Juicy Fruit!" - Jimmy Buffet (I'll explain next blog!)
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Well it is coming to the end of another week. I managed to swim a little, run a little and start a biggest loser contest at my place of employment! I am a little surprised at the reaction from my co-workers though. Some, who I thought would sign up wanted no part of it...others who I assumed would not be interested signed up right away! Funny.
As for my training...I managed to avoid a table full of donuts and muffins today! That in itself was a pure miracle. I had a couple of good runs. But I am concerned that I had a particularly difficult run yesterday afternoon. It was not a long run just about 4.5 km....but my legs felt sluggish and heavy. I think it was due to the fact that I had missed my afternoon snack. The importance of nutrition cannot be discounted.
I think my experience with the "crappy" run this week scares me a little. I am involved with the "biggest loser - Winnipeg" this will require me to cut back a little on my daily caloric intake....but what will my balance be? What if I cut back too much and it affects my marathon training? It could make me sick....I don't want that! I have been considering upping my activity level and keeping my eating static...the down side I don't lose weight fast enough. (of course the goal of the contest is to lose as much weight in 3 months as possible) I would also risk overall fatigue and possible injury if I try to up my activity to rapidly. My body needs time to adjust. They say you should only increase your workout time by 10% each week....if you wish to stay injury free!
So, I think after much consideration I have decided to keep my daily intake at 2100 kcal and I will up my activity to create at least a 500 kcal deficit. This should be a nice manageable balance. Once I lose more weight I will up my activity to create a greater daily deficit.
As of Christmas I am down 8 pounds! That's 6 weeks = 1.3 pounds a week. Nice and healthy , but more important - it's maintainable!
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Well our first session with Paul was amazing! He kicked the crap out of us in about 40 minutes! I weighed in at 254lbs with all my clothes on....pretty much what I was expecting.
Paul had us do a series of exercises from jumping jack to push up to squats. We also had to do various moves with a 15lb sand bag (easy at first....very hard later!) as well as planks. Great short work out. This is going to be a great experience.
He wants us at his one hour boot camp 3 - 4 times per week. It will take some scheduling magic but I should be able to swing it as well as keep my marathon training and morning swims intact.
My goal for the next 3 months:
- Lose: 25lbs
- Increase core strength
- Increase overall muscle mass
- Lose 2 - 3 inches around the equator
- Become a faster runner
- Become a stronger swimmer
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I'm Such a Loser!

So the other day a friend of mine makes the comment that he and 4 of his co-workers were doing this contest put on by Hot 103 called Winnipeg's Biggest Loser. He mentioned that one of their guys may not want to do it. I chirped up and said let me know if he bails on you.
So I get the call today....I'm in! I really want to lose more weight....BUT, I want to do it in a safe way. I have had a "ton" of weight loss experience and I know how to properly do it. Anyways, here's the deal.
We get a FREE 3 month membership to a gym called The Brickhouse complete with a personal trainer!
Since Christmas I have lost 8 pounds by watching what I eat and running more. This will continue as I start a more "rounded" workout program!
Watch for weekly/daily updates....the official weigh in is this Saturday. I currently sit at 249.
Wish me luck!!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
What is my motivation anyways?
Does the thought of a medal and a hat at the end of a race form to provide enough of a reward to call myself extrinsically motivated to complete all the training required to get that swag? Hardly! Do I train like a madman for a determined goal race because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside? No. Truth be told, I really only enjoy riding my bike and longer runs. I find that the smaller 3-8km runs boring and an annoying necessary evil. (it can take more time to prepare for the run that the run itself takes!) On longer runs 15km+ I kind of fall into a trance like state...I find it very relaxing. not to mention once you're done the endorphin rush is great!
Swimming,,,,well what is my motivation to swim? Clearly if you know me it is so that I can call myself a triathlete! Swimming is a ritual I do a few times a week just to keep the skill up and hopefully improve. If I were anywhere near serious about the sport I would have a coach and join a masters swim club. Otherwise what I do is equal to (to steal a quote I heard the other day and think it's very appropriate....) rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic! I am not very graceful in the water, nor am I very confident. My motivation is to get me through a certain distance....not fast, not technically perfect, just alive!
Riding my bike that's a different thing all together. It's a means to an end, it's cheap clean transportation. The fact that it's good exercise is just a nice bonus.
I have come to realize that much of my exercise is motivated by an inner drive to be accepted or validated. I think that when I was a golf professional people really like to talk to me because, well I was a golf professional. I was very good at something that is perceived as "cool" in some circles. When I decided to leave that life, I needed something to replace that. I have really noticed that in social settings when meeting new people (which I enjoy!) when asked what you do for a living the reply Education Assistant and Golf Professional elicit very different responses! Now a days the conversations I have with new acquaintances and old friends take on a different form. Of course with those who have known me for quite sometime, the conversation is all about training and racing....were as it used to revolve around golf. At times I will meet up with old friends who are still perceiving me as a golf professional and, of course after they stop marveling about how different I look they will want to talk golf with me. They are amazed to find that I may only play a few times a year and no longer play tournaments. They ask me what is wrong and how could that have happened. My short answer is "I have other interests now!" That is usually enough to get them to move onto talking about the weather. Luckily, I am a skilled enough conversationalist that I can switch the flow of banter around to their situation and take the spot light off myself. I do have an inner need to be liked by those around me and those new to me. I think that by replacing one interresting fact about myself (golf professional) with another interesting fact (endurance athlete) I am able to in some way validate myself as a worthy and interesting person to know.
Career, do I struggle with this one! In true Gemini form I have no clue what I want to do! Even as a golf professional in my 14 years in the business I worked at 7 different facilities all by choice. It's true I need variety to keep me stimulated. If it's too mundane I start to look around. These days once I think I have my career path figured out, wait for ten minutes because it will change! I'm just a big kid trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. God bless my wife....she has the patience of a saint!
Big picture....I am a very happy and positive person 99.9% of the time. But, at times I will really struggle with that big old existential question. I worry that I am not doing what I am "suppose" to be doing in life. I think that stems from a financial point of view. I am a very luck person in that I have an immensely supportive spouse. There is no pressure on me to get out and find a better pay check or to climb the corporate ladder so to speak. We live a very comfortable upper middle class lifestyle. We have everything we need/want but still I look at some of my peers and see what they have achieved and that really gets me thinking what is wrong with me....I don't have a great career. The past 2 years I have had a very difficult time deciding what path to take next. At times I can truly say I pine over it. When I fall into the rational is that maybe my in life mission is to be a good role model for all those I touch. It's very important to be a committed husband, it's very important to be there for your child - at all times, it's very important to listen to those who need to talk, it's very important to do the small things that pave the way for others to do the bigger things.
Leading by example is such a cliche, but I think that it pretty much sums up what I'm all about these days. I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that this is not a good way to get rich. Who wants to be rich anyway, you have to pay way more taxes!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
2011 is the date

Well I have decided that I will race Ironman Wisconsin in 2011. Logistically it works out for us. So what does that mean? I need to:
-lose 40 more pounds
-ride my bike more
-learn to swim with out buffing my toe nails on the bottom of the pool
-learn to run a marathon properly
-mentally prepare for the distance
Once that is done I'll be fine! Actually the weight lose will make all the above that much easier. I know how to lose weight....that's not the issue. I think for me the swimming will be the hardest part of this journey.
For those who don't know what this triathlon stuff is all about here is a quick guide!
Sprint distance
Swim 750 meters
Bike 20 km
Run 5 km
Olympic Distance
Swim 1500 meters
Bike 40 km
Run 10 km
1/2 Ironman
Swim 1900 meters (basically 2km)
Bike 90 km
Run 21.1 km (1/2 marathon)
Swim 3800 meters (approx. 4 km)
Bike 180 km
Run 42.2 km (a full marathon)
Big breath!
The short distances are easy....when you get into the longer courses like the 1/2 and full Ironman not only is it important to be in excellent physical condition, you must also be mentally prepared. The belief that you can finish is the most important thing!
My preparation for 2011 IM Wisconsin begins now.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Why do I swim like a brick?

Well today got off to a mediocre start. It was a swim day for me (I swim Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays) First off, I struggled to get to the pool on time....I was 5 minutes late. Then I had to share my lane with a guy who was very fast...that was demoralizing! It makes you feel like you are swimming in concrete....very thick concrete. On a brighter note I will be commuting to work all week on the bike.
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Scott Chudley – My Story
One day in September of 2005 I weighed myself and I was absolutely mortified at what the scale said...296lbs!! I knew I was up there because I had to wear XXL shirts, the only pants that fit were size 42’s. I was working long hours over the summer as a golf professional and sat around in the winter. My eating habits were not very good, if I wanted something I had it...regardless of what it was. Our son was 3 ½ years old at the time. One day as I picked him up from daycare he asked me why I was fat. What a hit of reality, something needed to change.
This is pretty much what I looked like in 2005 at my heaviest! (Just about 300lbs!)
We have a neighbour who is a runner...I secretly envied him and his dedication. I decided to join a learn to run clinic at my local Running Room (Pembina). 10 weeks later I was a runner...sort of! I had met some nice people through the clinic and one fellow asked me if I’d like to join him as a 2 person relay team in the 2005 Winnipeg Police Service ½ Marathon. I said sure and I immediately signed up for a 10k clinic. I dropped out of it about mid way through. I was having trouble getting my butt off the couch to do my training runs (it was winter after all, nobody runs in winter, RIGHT?). I gave up on the clinic, I gave up on the race, I hung my partner out to dry and I gave up on myself. I felt ashamed of myself. (He ended up finding a new partner and doing the race)
One year later (2006) while at a Christmas dinner my sister in law (who had recently taken up running herself) challenged me to run a half marathon with her (ironically, it would be the Winnipeg Police Service ½ Marathon!) full of turkey and red wine, I said: “sure, no problem”! I had 4 months to get ready, my wife reminded me daily that I had made a promise to run with her sister and that I had better not back before.....Oh crap, I had no choice!
I decided that I could do the race...I trained my butt off using what I had learned through my learn to run clinic. I persevered through snow storms, ice storms, minus 40 degree temperatures and I ran the ½ marathon in April. I ran it in 2:22:02. I was now a runner and I was hooked. Aside from our son being born and our wedding day, this was probably the proudest I’ve ever been of myself.
I had always watched the Ironman World Championships (KONA!) on TV and would get very moved by it. I loved watching the pros, but more so I marvelled at the determination that the amateurs displayed. The dedication and passion to cross a finish line is something that at the time seemed totally beyond any explanation. I wanted to become a triathlete...just one problem, I don’t swim very well. (A problem I have now come to know that many aspiring triathlete’s have!) I investigated my local triathlon association website and found a thing called a swimming, cool! I signed up for every single one I could that summer. I borrowed a buddy’s old Cannondale road bike and I ended up doing 7 duathlons. I decided to do another ½ marathon bettering my first ½ mary time by a full 10 minutes! I began to cycle commute to work every day (36km round trip)...I found it easy to get my bike training in this way. Two birds with one stone, not bad! Not long after that I had bought a mountain bike to commute on and a triathlon bike of my own.
My life was changing, I had way more energy and my weight was down to 225lbs for the first time in...well, truthfully I have no clue the last time I was in the 220’s! My body shape had drastically changed; I could even see my toes! My knees and body no longer ached in the morning like it used to, or at least when I was sore I attributed it to my training now! I was looking at making a career change and I began working part time at the Running Room that originally had empowered me to begin this physical fitness journey. I found the energy to return to school and did exceptionally well in my course (4.25 GPA).
It was now the fall of 2007, the next goal was to learn how to swim. I signed up for an adult stroke development class at the University of Manitoba. It was enough to get me swimming properly...not perfect but not sinking! I signed up for my first official triathlon the 2008 Thief River Falls sprint triathlon. It had a pool swim; the open water terrified me at this point- far too many critters! I finished in 1:35. I did a few early season duathlons (OWS is too cold early in the season around here). I also decided to run my first full marathon and I took a leap of faith and signed up for our local ½ Ironman! Go big or go home! I even bought my own wet suit.
Up first was the Manitoba Marathon. I trained like a man possessed, only to cramp up at mile six. I had a goal time of 4:30...I limped home in 5:30. I had never been so disappointed in my entire life. Such a huge effort and accomplishment but all it gave me was sorrow...and a sore calf! I was ready to strangle the next person who said: “hey, at least you finished!” Yah, I finished I never gave up on it...the old me would have given up. I decided to focus on the ½ Ironman.
The morning of the ½ Ironman came and I was focused and ready...mentally and physically. My goal time was 7:30. However, Mother Nature decided to throw everyone a little test! The temp had dropped to the mid teens, we had winds blowing 50km/h with 70km/h was gut check time. There were white caps on the lake...I saw a couple of buddies who pulled out during and after their swims. I saw many people pull out while on the bike course. I came to finish a race and I did not once give into the little voice that says: “you don’t need this, you don’t belong here, and this is too tough...nobody will fault you if you give up.” Thing is I don’t give up now! I finished it in 8:30. Nowhere near my goal time, but I finished in what was the worst conditions anyone has seen in this event.
I am not the fastest athlete, I am not the most talented or gifted athlete, I will not ever set any course records, I will not ever win any age group category races...what I will do is NEVER GIVE UP, EVER!
The Newer looking Scott Chudley!